Boyd gaming purchased santa fe casino

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In 1983, Sam Boyd bought the Fremont to add to his Boyd Gaming group properties. In 1974, Allen Glick's Argent Corporation purchased the Fremont and in 1976 expanded the casino at a cost of $4 million. In 1963, the Hotel was expanded to include the 14-story Ogden tower and one of the city's first vertical parking garages. At the time of its opening it had 155 rooms, cost $6 million to open and was owned by Ed Levinson and Lou Lurie. It was designed by architect Wayne McAllister and opened on May 18, 1956, as the tallest building in the state of Nevada. The Fremont Hotel is located on 200 Fremont Street.

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The casino is operated by the Boyd Gaming Corporation.

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The Fremont Hotel & Casino is located in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada, on the Fremont Street Experience.

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